Saturday, 1 October 2016

Class Preliminary Task and Evaluation

What is the purpose of the preliminary task? 

The purpose of the preliminary task was to learn and improve upon our continuity editing in short films. It demonstrates the basic rules as we incorporated match on action and we kept by the 180 degree rule.

What difficulties did you face? 

Some difficulties that I faced was that when it came to putting all the shots together when editing they didn't quite match. For example, Sabill's hood is up in one shot and then directly after it is down. This obviously a problem as it doe not flow within the film. Also, some conversational shots didn't match to the rules which is why they had to be redone.

How did you plan out the shots?

Throughout the classes we decided what and how we wanted our shots to look like and then decided upon the destination if them. We drew up a story board to plan each shot one by one and to see what shot looked better.

What did you learn about continuity editing?

I learnt that with continuity editing all the shots have to flow smoothly in order for the whole film too work properly and be effective. Also, the smoother the film looks the better impression of editing skills and it shows the audience that it has been properly thought out when editing.

What did you learn about the demands of filming a sequence?

That firstly you have to draw up a story board of what you want in your sequence so that it defiantly makes sense and there are no problems during filming. Also, I learnt that its important to draw up a plan because the less problems during filming mean you don't have to film as long also meaning that you have more time on editing your sequence and making it as good as possible.

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