Thriller films mostly always include various elements of mystery and suspension and want to portray a state of adrenaline for the audience as i want to in my film opening. Whilst researching various different thriller openings i have decided that a mixture of both thriller and horror genres would be acceptable for my film opening. I have discovered the range of camera angles and different conventions linked to horror/thriller genres and will corporate the different elements of thriller/horror repertoire.
A typical stereotypical convention of thriller is dark scenic surroundings where a character is usually alone or in danger. Also in mostly all openings I've watched there are dark neutral colours which don't allow the viewer to see as much which creates a strong sense of tension. I think that by including different aspects from both genres i will be able to create a sense of mystery and horror as then this could portray a state of confusion.
One idea we had for the editing of the narrative was that, like most thriller movies, the ending which is usually the most important part of the film is shown first meaning that the audience then wonder about the story leading up to that event. This would be effective as it leaves the audience confused and leaves a certain mystery about the opening and i will be doing this in my film opening.
This is my moodboard showing the different convention types I will include:
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