Pre Production Planning - Further Thriller Analysis

Careful What You Wish For (2016)
The film begins with the film idents, firstly Hyde Park Entertainment, Troika Pictures and Image Nation (Abu Dhabi) which are all production corporations that developed this film. They are only on screen for seconds until we are given a P.O.V shot of someone's arm at 0:03. The hand is stretched out and spread apart elegantly, this suggests the person is stress free which straight away creates a positive and happy aroma. During this shot type we are also given slow calming music and slow motion of the hand against the flowers witch shows the audience the simplicity of this scene .
At 0:07 we are given a close up of the characters face which is effective because it gives the audience a quick overview of the characters emotion. Shortly after the close up shot we are given a P.O.V shot of the beautiful landscape that the character is looking at. However, we are then given a montage of happy events that have previously happened during this characters summer which is effective aas it shows the audience how many happy memories he has had and also allows us to quickly get an idea of the different people and locations that are connected to this specific character. A voice over of the character starts at 0:04 and ends at 0:16, the voice is very gentle until the shot of the two boys jumping into the water where it takes a turn. As soon as they hit the water a black screen cuts the shot suggesting something bad has happened leaving the audience in suspense.
Straight after the black screen we are given the same landscape image that was seen through a point of view shot in one of the first shots. However, we are now seeing this high angled establishing shot as the repeat of this landscape suggests that this specific land is important although the audience are not sure why. At 0:18 we are then given a selection of more events that have happened through montaging. This gives the audience more information about what the character has been doing and what interests him. There is no clear narrative at this stage of the opening which is effective as the audience are then interested to continue watching so that the narrative is clear. Throughout the different shots we are given up beat music which suggests fun however to contrast at the end of these lightning strikes which is considered bad weather and usually occurs at the start of a storm. This suggests that something bad is about to happen further in the film.
Throughout the whole clip we are given a very fun and cheerful song combined with the scenes shown, however at the scene of the storm, the lightning interrupts the music and it suddenly stops. This suggests that this is maybe happening to the main character as all is well and there is something not quite right about the perfection of his life so far. At 0:44 we are given a shot of the female and main character interacting which is the first time this is seen throughout the whole clip. Although, the scene is very dark and only parts of their faces are being shown due to shadows, this gives the impression that they need to stay hidden from each other or that they shouldn't be talking. This is then reinforced by the position of the female character as she is seen in the bottom left hand corner and out of site of anyone as he doesn't even notice her until she speaks. As this is right after the storm interrupted the cheerfulness of the character it also implies that this female is trouble and the lightning may symbolise her.
From 0:47 to 1:03 the two same characters are seen with each other however only in the dark of night, this could show that they are hiding from civilisation and being secretive. She is confident and her actions make you feel uneasy, for example, she is seen stood behind as he looks over his shoulder just staring at him which is unusual behaviour for a person who has just met. We are given a more slow and powerful music with these scenes which helps create suspense especially as it builds up and as soon as the two characters make eye contact the music has a dramatic stop.
This implies that this female character is a big problem and is looking for trouble. We are given an over the shoulder shot of him staring at her which also conveys that all eyes are on her at this point as the audience are now wondering about her role in the film.
Once again at 1:08 the music changes to a neutral calm rhythm and they are seen in light even though they have done wrong. There is an establishing shot to show that the next scenes are in different location which is effective as we are then given cross cutting of the two characters at different events which implies and shows there relationship getting stronger. All scenes are in light which implies the connection is brighter than the first interaction however they are only ever seen in doors and alone which is obvious they are still a secret. A point of view shot shows the female being abused by her husband which creates a sense of remorse and worry for her as the audience get a better insight of the husbands personality. Whilst this is happening the main character is seen watching by an over the shoulder shot which makes the audience feel like they are watching with him but shouldn't really be doing so. Also the lighting is dark and we are only given a section of light on the main characters face showing the audience his emotion to what he is seeing.
Along the rest of the scenes the audience are given a brief over view of these characters everyday lives and their authority compared to one another. Most of the scenes are involving these three specific characters, the husband and wife and the young boy. This implies that the main problem or trouble is going to occur from one of the three. Throughout the montage of events we are given there is a voice over of different people suspicious that there's a secret. The montage of events are not in order which confuses the audience as to when why and what has happened which intrigues them to find out. The actors names are also involved through the montage which is effective as we are given them at an unusual time which links to the film being confusing. We are given a lot of information in a small amount of time in the clip which makes the narrative unclear which is effective for this genre film. Also, by having the title page at the beginning it fits conveniently into the clip as the audience have found out what the film is called right at the very end which relates to the film as all will become clear near the end of the film.
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